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  • Writer's pictureCharlene Sims, Journal staff

As burning season approaches, fire chief asks public to call first

With warmer weather and drier conditions just a few weeks away, county Fire Chief Randy Hegwald is asking property owners to call the county sheriff's office before they set fires. (Journal file photo)

MOUND CITY – On Monday, Jan.23, Linn County Fire Chief Randy Hegwald reminded the commissioners and the public that burn season was coming up soon. He asked that anyone wanting to burn call into the sheriff’s office first to check that there was not a burn ban and also to register their burn.

Hegwald also wanted the public to know that even though the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) classes at La Cygne and Mound City are full on Saturday, Jan. 28, that if they called in they would be put on the next list for CPR classes. Hegwald said he hoped to have some more classes soon.

Commission Chair Danny McCullough asked Hegwald about another $1,100 that had been spent on recharging fire extinguishers and when the fire department was going to take that over.

Hegwald said that he and two firefighters who planned on retiring soon were going to take the course and test about recharging fire extinguishers in the near future.

He said that the machine to do the recharging would cost Linn County about $3,000, but that the county was spending about $15,000 now to contract that work. Extinguishers not only need to be checked yearly but have to be refilled after fires and training sessions. Hegwald told the commissioners that different businesses in the county were interested in having their extinguishers checked.

Hegwald reported that there were five incidents last week bringing the yearly total up to 24 incidents. The incidents the past week were one road freight or transport vehicle fire; one outside rubbish, trash or waste fire; one medical assist, one motor vehicle incident with no injuries; and one steam, vapor, fog or dust thought to be smoke.

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