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Youth employment and community development grants announced

Writer's picture: Charlene Sims, Journal staffCharlene Sims, Journal staff

MOUND CITY – Economic Development Director Jessica Hightower updated the Linn County Commissioners on Monday, Feb. 27 about upcoming activities and grants.

Jessica Hightower explained to the commissioners that two grants that are awarded yearly by the Economic Development department were coming up. The commissioners approved the grants after hearing her information.

The first grant she presented was the Summer Youth Employment Grant which the county has supported for many years. There are 10 grants of $1,200 to be awarded to county employers who hire a local person from ages 16 to 21. The county requires that the employer pays the person at least $8 per hour for up to 30 hours per week for 10 weeks during the summer. The county will then reimburse the employers $4 for every hour paid.

The Economic Development Committee has made one change from last year and that is taxing entities will not be eligible to receive the grant.

In a separate interview, Hightower said that the committee will select 10 businesses and two alternates for the grants at its April meeting. If a business is not able to hire an employee by May 15, its award will go to one of the alternate businesses.

She said that the deadline for employers to apply is April 1.

Community Development grants will also be available to organizations that sponsor community activities. For example, previous recipients were the Linn County Farm Tour, Parker Day, and the Sugar Mound Arts and Crafts Festival. The grants for $250 can be applied for anytime during the year, she said.

For more information or to get an application for either grant, call (913) 795-2274.

Hightower also informed the commissioners about an upcoming Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge on May 7. The event will be held at the Pleasanton Community Center and features a class from Pleasanton High School.

The class has been working on developing executive summaries and trade show activities. The student who wins first prize will go to a statewide contest at K-State. Runners-up will receive other awards. The activities are funded by Network Kansas, and organization that the county has partnered with for several years to present activities like this.

The trade show will be open to public and Jessica Hightower encourages everyone to come see the exhibits. She also told the commissioners that judges were needed to judge the exhibits. To volunteer as a judge, call Hightower at the number above.

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