By Dr. Bascom Ratliff, Pastor
Pastor, Parker/Beagle/Fontana United Methodist Churches
The inspiration for today’s message is from:
Luke 24: 44-48 “(Jesus said), you are witnesses to these things."
Holy week was amazing! Celebrating Jesus’s Last Supper, crucifixion, and resurrection were memorable and exciting events. Jesus in Luke chapter 24, reminds his followers that he would suffer, die, and rise from the dead. He told them that repentance and forgiveness of sins was to be proclaimed in his name to all nations. He also reminded his followers that they were witnesses to these things and were to share this good news with others.
We are encouraged and commanded by Christ to continue celebrating his resurrection by sharing his good news throughout the world. We have experienced the saving grace of God. Our sins have been forgiven and we enthusiastically worship our Lord with joy and great expectations. And what better way to express our appreciation then by gathering with other Christians and praising our Lord and Savior for all that he has done, and continues to do, for us.
We have great cause for hope and continued blessings from a generous and loving God.
Because we are witnesses to the sacrifice and love of Jesus, it is important to share God’s salvation message with others. I also believe that it is so important for us to live a life worthy of Christ. Jesus has provided us simple instructions for living a godly life. Feeding the hungry, giving water to the thirsty, visiting others, and clothing the naked, are Christ’s instructions for serving him. Above all, we are to love one another and gather to share the good news of Christ.
I encourage all of you, my faithful readers, to be more deliberate and purposeful in letting your light abundantly shine through your service and care for others. As we have been witnesses to the glory of Christ, let us now be servants to our gracious Savior by loving and caring for others.
There was an experiment many years ago with factory workers to see if their productivity would decrease when the lighting in their work area was reduced. The researchers found that productivity increased even when lighting was reduced. They found that these workers increased their productivity because they knew they were being observed. This phenomenon has been termed the “halo effect." In much the same way, I believe that if we truly believe that God is observing us, our service to others will improve, our worship will improve, and our enthusiasm for the Lord will grow.
With that said, I encourage you during the weeks ahead, to explore your relationship with a present and loving Christ. Open your hearts to service and love. And in all things, be thankful to a loving God who cares for us and loves us without fail. Experience the joy of knowing Christ!
Read. Pray. Do.
If you want to hear about God’s wonderful promise of unfailing love and enjoy a great morning of music and fellowship, please come and worship with us.
We will worship at the Parker United Methodist Church during April 2024.
We will worship at the Beagle UMC during May 2024.
We will worship at the Fontana UMC during June 2024.
All Sunday services are at 10 a.m.
We serve communion on the first Sunday of the month.
All are welcome to worship in God’s House.
Dr. Bascom Ratliff (913-710-5748)
Pastor, Parker/Beagle/Fontana
United Methodist Churches