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Ceremonies to honor veterans slated to begin Saturday

Updated: Jun 1, 2023

Ballplayer-volunteer Lily Meyer helps distribute flags to place beside veterans' grave markers at the Woodlawn Cemetery in Mound City. (Joanna Meyer/Special to the Journal)

Final preparations for Memorial Day services are being completed in advance of the coming three-day weekend.

Members of the American Legion Hewitt New Post No. 248 in Mound City paired up with youth ball teams to begin hanging flags and other preparations in Mound City.

Volunteers also worked on the Linn Valley Veterans Memorial and posted flags around Oak Lawn Cemetery in La Cygne to get those areas ready as well.

Services will be held at several locations.

Saturday, May 27

Linn Valley: Veterans Memorial Park, 10 a.m.

Monday, May 29, Memorial Day

La Cygne: Oak Lawn Cemetery, 10 a.m.

Centerville: Centerville Cemetery, 11 a.m.

Pleasanton: Pleasanton Cemetery, 11 a.m.

Mound City: Woodland Cemetery, 11 a.m.

Flags are set along the roadway at Oak Lawn Cemetery in La Cygne. (Roger Sims/Linn County Journal)

Linn Valley veterans and their families are invited to a free breakfast at Linn Valley Community Church at 8 a.m. on May 27. The Linn Valley ceremony will also include a U.S. flag retirement ceremony.

Following the ceremony at La Cygne, the La Cygne Christian Church will be serving a free lunch to everyone until 1 p.m.

Historian and author Todd Mildfelt will be the speaker at the Mound City ceremony. The procession to the cemetery will begin at 430 Spruce St., and the ceremony will begin once it reaches the cemetery. The event will also include the traditional laying of wreaths at the soldiers’ plot at the cemetery.

Ballplayer-volunteer Caden Nickelson and Legion member David Nickelson work together to raise one of the flags at the Woodlawn Cemetery in Mound City. (Joanna Meyer/Special to the Journal)

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