MOUND CITY – Linn County employees who receive their paychecks by direct deposit had a big surprise on Friday. No paycheck.
In an email from County Clerk David Lamb, he explained that there was an error in the direct deposit file that was submitted to FiServ, the financial services company that the county uses. Lamb said that this happens from time to time, and usually they can get an answer from FiServ and are able to make the correction in plenty of time for payroll.
This time, Lamb said, they did not get an answer in time to make the correction so that employees would get their payroll deposits on Friday.
Lamb said that Saturday morning the county made arrangements to advance money to employees who needed it. Finally, on Saturday afternoon, FiServ gave the county the information it needed, but it was too late for the deposits to get to the employees’ bank accounts. The deposits finally went through on Monday.
Lamb said that he had sent a letter to all employees that they could take to their banks asking the banks to waive any overdraft fees they may have incurred.
Lamb said that Farmers and Merchants bank was trying to help the county but were also unable to get any answers.
In the commission meeting on Monday, Aug. 14, Commission Chair Danny McCullough thanked all the people who helped with this on Saturday, including Lamb, Sheriff Kevin Friend, County Treasurer Janet Kleweno, and other elected officials.