MOUND CITY – On Monday, July 3, the Linn County Commission learned that dust control had once again been delayed until July 7 or July 10 because of trucking issues. County crews marked off where the control liquid is to be sprayed several weeks ago.
In other business, commissioners:
• Learned that Treasurer Janet Kleweno had hired Katherine Houtman in the treasurer’s office at the hourly rate of $16.60 per hour.
• Authorized the signing of a resolution offering the sale of taxable General Obligation Sales Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2023, of Linn County, Kansas.
• Learned that a person may want to move the caretaker’s house at the Linn County Park rather than the county demolishing it.
• Learned that the estimate to repair the trackhoe would be more than $36,500. Public Works Director Shaun West suggested replacing the trackhoe or looking for other options because its estimated value is not much more than the repair estimate.
• Learned that part of Tucker Road is not holding asphalt and West suggested returning it to gravel. That part is past the last resident on the road.
• Conducted three interviews for road foreman in executive session.