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  • Writer's pictureCharlene Sims, Journal staff

Museum director praises, criticizes county and commission

Updated: Nov 3, 2023

Theresa Miller, far left, Pleasanton resident and director of the Linn County History Museum, addresses the county commission on several issues. (Screen capture/Linn County Kansas Live Streaming)

By Charlene Sims,

MOUND CITY – Theresa Miller, Pleasanton resident, president of the Linn County Historical Society, and director of the Linn County Museum met with the Linn County Commissioners on Tuesday, Oct. 10, to express her ideas and concerns about Linn County.

Miller, who said she has lived in Linn County for 27 years, started with her concerns about the feeling of negativity in the county. She said that all people have to do is watch the commission meetings every week and see who comes and gripes about what or who comes to bring good news.

“Unfortunately the bad stuff, the bad news way outweighs the good news,” said Miller. “I feel like I live in Washington, D.C., because all I hear is the bad stuff – all we talk about is the bad stuff – when there are so many good things going on in this county.”

Miller pointed to the judicial building as one of the good things happening in the county. She said that she did not agree with the way it was built and the decisions that were made at that time, but she said it has turned out to be one of the best things Linn County has decided to do.

“It’s giving us some hope for the future instead of some people who say, ‘Whoa,’ as soon as KCPL or Evergy, or whatever, as soon as they’re gone, we’re dead,” said Miller. “That’s a very bad attitude. We can’t think like that.”

Miller praised the current county logo and said she did not think that the county needed a new one.

She told the commissioners that she had just ordered two 4-by-8-foot signs from Linn County Printing, one for near the U.S. Highway 69 exit and one for in front of Brandon McGinniss’ business, that showed the directions to the location to the museum.

“I’d like to see some pride in the county and some more positive attitudes,” said Miller.

She said she felt like it was the commissioners, the county’s leaders who have all been elected, to help residents have a good attitude about Linn County.

Miller told the commissioners that the pipeline coming through Linn County was a good thing even if there were a lot of people who did not like it, she pointed out that it brings money in for Linn County.

She said that is much the way most counties work. She told the commissioners that there were not a lot of available workers in the county. That was not just her opinion but the general opinion of people who own businesses.

Miller suggested that instead of the little green signs that mark the entrance to Linn County that larger signs with the logo and “American Heritage of History and Beauty, Linn County, Kansas” be put up.

“The reason Linn County is different, the hills and the green and the water, it’s beautiful and I think we totally ignore that or we don’t want them to come here. Maybe that’s the case,” said Miller. “This is a beautiful area.”

Miller said that the discussion happening in the county right now about the solar farms upsets her a little bit when the one group puts out “tons and tons of dramatic information.” She equated it to information put out by Washington to the public about the COVID pandemic.

She told the commissioners that a person can find just as many really bad things about solar power as you can good, however, some of them are very outdated and some are not even from our country.

Miller said that she had solar panels on her property, those panels are recyclable, and they do have lead in them because all electronics are soldered with lead because it conducts electricity. However, she point out, the phones and computers that people use all the time also use lead for that very reason..

She said she wanted the county to get something good from this and the county needed to receive payment from the companies. However, the safety measures like setbacks needed to be looked at carefully.

Miller went on to discuss shopping locally. She said she would love to say that people could do all their shopping locally, but everyone realizes that is not possible in Linn County.

“We don’t have everything we need to purchase available, and that is something that needs to be worked on,” said Miller.

Next, Miller expressed her opinion about an elected county official. She said she hated to say it but “I feel very embarrassed because a certain voted-in person that has done nothing but say “no” and be negative ever since they were elected.”

“And he ran on a platform of saving Linn County money,” Miller said. “Well, so far he has cost Linn County money, and he has cost valuable time. You guys only meet once a week for three hours, but to me these mornings are very valuable for getting things done, accomplishing, not griped about.”

Talking to Commissioner Jason Hightower, Miller said, “And as far as this whole deal with you and your wife – that was figured out before you were elected. Why are we talking about that again?”’

Miller said, “It’s kind of like things get brought up from the past. And there are many of us in Linn County, they’re like you can’t accomplish anything when everybody is fighting, bickering like little kindergartners or adults. You can discuss things you can disagree with people.”

Miller brought up the revenue neutral tax, “Whoever thought of that, great job! We’re supposed to everybody sit still , never do any better, never increase anything and never increase wages.”

Miller went on to question welfare support in Linn County, the sheriff’s and other employees’ low pay, and turnover of employees. To see more of her discussion go to Linn County Kansas Live Streaming on YouTube for Oct. 9 and begin at the one hour 41 minute mark (1:41.00).

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