Carrie Sewell, front, and Kari Brandt got in the spirit of the 135th anniversary of the founding of Parker with confetti, balloons and candy. The two were on a float sponsored by the Parker Area Ladies Society (PALS). Photos by Roger Sims/Linn County Journal)
Much has changed for Parker since it was founded in 1888. What started as a small community in the northwest corner of Linn County and grew to a bustling community with banks, stores and hotels, Parker has long since downsized into a small community again.
However, on Saturday members of the community, as well as those who traveled from across Linn and Miami counties and beyond gathered, cheered and laughed as the annual Parker Days parade worked its way east on Woodward Street toward the Heritage Park.
More than a dozen vendors ranging from Parker Days organizers selling t-shirts to food vendors to organizations providing information filled the parking lot. Again this year there were rides for the kids including climbing walls and a bungee-cord-like jump, and those activities as well as a baby contest and kids games kept people around through the afternoon.

Kids along the parade route asked firefighters to be accurate as they threw candy.

The Ralph Nickell family sponsors an Honor Flight float. The family has been a main force in bringing the Honor Flight program to Prairie View High School.

The PVHS FFA members join in celebrating Parker's 135th anniversary.

Parker third-grade teacher Ashton Scholtz hits water after Carson Troxel, second from right, makes a bull's-eye throw at the Parker Parent-Teacher Organization dunk tank. Scholtz said she was hoping that the temperature Saturday afternoon would be in the 85 degree range instead of the low 70s.

Mallory Cline of Parker performs some heels-over-head flips on the Bongo ride which combines a small trampoline-like device with bungee cords.

Christian Keeny of Centerville hangs on to the mechanical bull hoping to ride without falling. The ride operator had different plans, however, and Keeny was thrown shortly after this photo was taken.
Below is a gallery of photos from the day. Feel free to download them for personal use.