Prairie View senior Hallie Snyder has been named the school's valedictorian for the Class of 2022. (Submitted photo)
Hallie Snyder has been named valedictorian for the Class of 2022 at Prairie View High School. The daughter of Darren and Tamala Snyder, she is a member of the school's National Honor Society, a Kansas Governor's Honor Scholar and an Academic Letter winner.
Hallie received a prestigious four-year scholarship to Baker University in Baldwin City and plans to pursue studies in marketing and pre-law. She will graduate with a 4.0 grade point average, and she scored 31 on the ACT.
She has attended Prairie View schools since she was in pre-kindergarten, and her activities include Future Farmers of America, scholars bowl, Mathletes and track. Her other activities include participating in 212 Student Ministries, a youth group student worship team, and she is writing a novel.
Prairie View will hold its graduation at 2 p.m., May 22 at the district stadium.