Prairie View's Bree Allen led her team to a dominating performance at the Pioneer League cross-country meet in Wellsville on Thursday, Oct. 12. (Journal file photo)
By Roger Sims, rsims@linncountyjournal.com
WELLSVILLE – For the third straight year, Prairie View distance runner Bree Allen is the Pioneer League’s top cross-country competitor and the school’s women are the top team in the league.
Turning in a top three finish and five runners in the top 10, the PVHS women dominated the race with 17 points and an average finish time of 22:17 and an average split time of 4:40 per kilometer. The Burlington women placed second with a score of 58 and an average race time that was four minutes slower than the Prairie View team.
Allen, a junior, turned in a time of 19:27.32. Prairie View freshman Laramie Stevens placed second with a time of 21:40.79, and junior Wylie Teagarden was third with a time of 22:15.84.
Senior Kelsie Konitzer placed eighth, junior Ryleigh Lueker was ninth, junior Kallie Stroup was 13th, sophomore Cheyanne Moss was 18th, Timberlyn Browning came in 20th, sophomore Elle Steinle placed 26th, senior Ella McCammon was 27th, senior Kaylamarie Gorostiza placed 28th, and Quinn Browning was 32nd. Forty runners from the seven league schools competed in the race.
Allen, Steven, Teagarden, Konitzer, and Lueker were named all-league runners.

Prairie View women's varsity runners at the league meet included, front row from left, Wylie Teagarden, Ella Steinle, Kaylamarie Gorostiza, Bree Allen, Quinn Browning, Ryleigh Lueker; back row, Cheyanne Moss, Timberlyn Browning, Ella McCammon, Laramie Stevens, Kallie Stroup and Kelsie Konitzer. (Marcie Caldwell)
Junior Mason Mitzner was top runner for the Prairie View men’s team, followed closely by freshman Matthew Stolle. Mitzner placed 21st with a time of 20:29.44, and Stolle was in 23rd place with a time of 20:51.91.
Benton Stainbrook crossed the finish line in 25th place, Coltaun Barlett was 39th, Harvey Hernandez-Guerrero was 42nd, and Aaron West was 44th. Fifty-three runners competed in the event that was won by Luke Hebert of Osawatomie with a time of 17:35.01.
The varsity runners will next compete in the regional cross-country meet at Council Grove this Saturday, Oct. 21, for a chance to compete in the state meet at Rim Rock Farms, the Kansas University cross-country course north of Lawrence.

Runners competing in the men's 5K run included, front, Matthew Stolle; standing, Aaron West, Mason Mitzner, Benton Stainbrook, Coltaun Barlett, and Harvey Hernandez-Guerrero. (Marcie Caldwell)
In the eighth-grade boys 2-mile run, Breckyn Malin place second with a time of 12:34.60, and Ethan Teagarden placed 10th. There were no PVMS girls in the eighth-grade girls race.
There were in the seventh-grade girls 2-mile race, though. Prairie View placed four in the top five finishers with Juanita Velez-Guillermo winning the race with a time of 14:51.52. Lilly Petric was second place with a time of 126:00.47. Marley Johnson was third and Maddy Decker was fifth.
Cooper Watson was Prairie View’s top runner in the seventh-grade 2-mile race. He placed fourth with a time of 14:20.47. His teammate William Lueker placed fifth, Cade Jones was sixth, Oxley Luehrs was 11th and Ryan Stolle placed 12th.

Senior Kelsey Konitzer gives a final kick to finish the women's 5K run in eighth place. (Screen capture/Prairie View Buffalos Facebook)