Joannie Reed, a Fulton Republican is the sole candidate in the primary next Tuesday, Aug. 6. Assuming she is overwhelmingly nominated to be the Republican candidate for the general election and goes on to win the seat in November, she will replace retiring Treasurer Janet Kleweno.
She is one of three candidates for county posts that have no opposition. The other two are longtime County Clerk David Lamb and longtime Register of Deeds Kristy Schmitz, both Republicans who have no opposition.

Why did you decide to run for office?
I'm seeking election for Linn County Treasurer. My motivation stems from my dedication to serving Linn County and its residents.
What qualifications do you have that will help you serve your constituents?
I've worked closely with Janet Kleweno our current Treasurer as her deputy for over seven years, this gives me the knowledge and skills needed to manage the office effectively.
What are some of the problems the treasurer's office is facing and what solutions do you have for those problems?
I am aware of the challenges faced by our county with the rising taxes in recent years, and understand the frustration. This is why our office consistently strives to alleviate the burden by accepting tax payments throughout the year.
What practices or changes would you like to make the department more efficient?
I will make every effort to maintain a smooth operation and provide the highest level of service to the residents of Linn County.